Mastering Order Lifecycle on Track-POD - Guide

Updated on April 15, 2024 by Alina Kostukova

Mastering Order Lifecycle on Track POD

Efficiency in logistics is not just about moving goods from point A to point B; it involves meticulous order management, precise routing, and real-time updates—all seamlessly integrated into one platform. 

Track-POD, recognized as a Momentum Leader by G2’s Spring of 2024 report, offers a robust solution for managing the complete lifecycle of an order. 

This guide delves deep into effectively using Track-POD's features to optimize your logistics operations.

Getting started with the Track-POD dashboard

The Track-POD dashboard serves as the nerve center for your logistics operations, providing tools for creating orders, planning routes, and tracking deliveries.

Let’s look at how to leverage the dashboard from the dispatcher’s point of view. This guide provides you with step-by-step guidance on how to make the most of the industry-leading features Track-POD has to offer.

1. Creating Orders

Whether entering a few orders manually, handling large volumes via bulk import, or integrating seamlessly with other systems, Track-POD streamlines your workflows and enhances data accuracy. 

Here's how you can utilize these tools to their fullest potential:

Manual Entry: 

Click on 'ADD order' and fill out mandatory fields such as depot, shipper, client, contact details, goods information, and item specifics like weight and volume.

Watch how to add orders manually:

Bulk Import: 

Do you have a CSV or Excel file with all your order information? Simply import it to Track-POD, use the drag-and-drop editor to map your columns, and let our platform work for you.

Watch the video below to learn how to import your orders in bulk:

API Integration: 

Leverage Track-POD’s API integration for real-time data synchronization with your existing systems, ensuring all data is consistently up-to-date across platforms. Learn more about our API in this article: 

Track-POD’s API Explained: Endless Integration Opportunities

2. Managing Orders

Once orders are created, effective management is vital to ensuring they are executed as planned. 

Track-POD's dynamic order management tools allow for precise control and adaptation of orders to meet changing demands and conditions. These features enhance your ability to oversee the entire order process from a single dashboard, increasing your operational agility and efficiency. 

Here's how you can take full advantage of these functionalities:

View and Edit Orders: 

Access the unscheduled orders from the dashboard to view them on the map for better planning. Edit orders individually or in bulk, such as changing dates or adding information to help plan logistics more effectively.

Edit your orders in bulk on Track-POD

Configure Columns: 

Customize the columns in the dashboard to display relevant order information such as custom fields or weights, tailoring the interface to your specific needs.

See how to configure your dashboard here:

3. Creating Routes

Track-POD's routing features empower you to devise the most efficient delivery paths. 

Whether you prefer hands-on control or automated efficiency, Track-POD adapts to your business model and enhances your operational capabilities. Explore the ways you can utilize these routing tools:

Manual Route Creation: 

Select orders using on-map selection tools or individually from the order list and drag them into the route plan. Choose the vehicle and optimize the route for an estimated arrival time (ETA).

See manual route creation in action:

Advanced Routing: 

Use the advanced routing feature to distribute orders across your fleet automatically. Select the routing option, specify the date, and let Track-POD handle the rest. 

Our automation engine considers many criteria for optimization, including vehicle capacity, driver availability, destination working hours, and more, to provide you with the most efficient route. 

If you need to make any changes, simply adjust the routes by dragging orders between routes.

See how automated routing works here:

4. Optimizing Routes

Track-POD’s re-optimization feature enables you to adjust routes in real time, accommodating changes or new conditions even after routes have started. 

This capability allows for quick modifications—such as adding or removing stops or changing the order of deliveries. 

By selecting the reoptimize option, Track-POD recalculates ETAs for all affected stops, optimizing delivery sequences to ensure efficiency and timeliness. This ensures your routing remains flexible and responsive, maximizing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

5. Tracking Deliveries

Stay connected and informed with Track-POD's robust features for tracking and verifying deliveries as they happen. 

The platform ensures that you have all the necessary tools to oversee driver progress and efficiently confirm order completions, enhancing trust and transparency in your delivery process. Here’s how you can effectively use these features:

Real-Time Updates: 

Monitor the driver’s progress and order status directly from the dashboard. View details such as delivered, partially delivered, or collected statuses without switching between tabs.

Track-POD provides you with live updates on your order delivery

Proof of Delivery: 

Access electronic proof of delivery directly from the order dashboard, which includes signatures, photographs, and detailed order overviews.

6. Utilizing New Features

Continuously evolving to meet the demands of modern logistics, Track-POD consistently introduces new features designed to enhance the functionality and adaptability of your delivery operations. 

From advanced mapping capabilities to comprehensive analytics, these tools empower you to optimize your logistics strategy further. Explore these latest enhancements:

Map Zones: 

A new feature that allows viewing and managing delivery zones directly on the map is particularly useful for planning deliveries in complex geographic regions.

Take a look at how to use map zones:


With Track-POD, businesses can enhance their logistics operations through detailed, efficient order and delivery management. By following this step-by-step guide, users can fully leverage Track-POD’s capabilities to improve delivery accuracy, reduce operational costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Remember, the power of Track-POD is not just in its features but in how you use them to make logistics seamless and responsive. 

Whether you are a dispatcher, a manager, or part of the customer support team, Track-POD’s comprehensive platform is your ally in logistics management. 

Now a Track-POD user yet? Why don’t you take our platform for a spin with a free 7-day trial?